Personal Firewall Version Beta 2.0 By Elementrix Technologies Ltd. Copyright (C) 1994,95. All Right Reserved For more information about Personal Firewall see file usr-mnl.doc, which contains the Personal Direwall documentation in Microsoft Word 6.0 format. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disclaimer and Copyright: This version of Personal Firewall constitutes beta-release code and may be changed substantially before commercial release. This software program is licensed for a beta-testing and demo purposes only. The term of this agreement shall commence upon your receipt of the software and shall terminate upon the earlier of (a) Elementrix's notice to you or (b) the commercial release of Personal Firewall by Elementrix Technologies Ltd. Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall immediately cease use of this software. THE BETA VERSION OF THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES. IN NO EVENT WILL ELEMENTRIX TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM INCLUDING, BY WAY OF ILLUSTRATION AND NOT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS OR LOST OPPORTUNITY, OR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF SUCH USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, EVEN IF ELEMENTRIX TECHNOLOGIES OR AN AUTHORIZED ELEMENTRIX TECHNOLOGIES DEALER, DISTRIBUTOR OR SUPPLIER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// General: For a single Internet user who wants to keep his system secure, a Firewall gateway is not an affordable or practical solution. Personal Firewall provides such a solution. It implements much of the same logic as a Firewall gateway in an affordable, easy-to-use software package. It allows you to control access to your computer connected to Internet, Deny/Alert/Log any incoming/outgoing connection. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// System requirements: Any IBM or compatible computer with a 386 or higher CPU; 4MB of RAM; Modem or network card; Any TCP/IP stack for Microsoft Windows. The softawre run on Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroup 3.1x /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Installation: For setup Personal Firewall beta version software from Elementrix Techomlogies Ltd. on your personal computer, please unzip the file into floppy or into temporary directory on your hard disk. Run setup.exe from within directory/disk where you have installation files. Follow the installation instructions. Personal Firewall files: fwsetup.exe - Install/Uninstall Program. fwconfig.exe - Program to change configuration of Personal Firewall. fwmanage.exe - RuleBase Manager. fwfilter.exe - Personal Firewall. fwviewer.exe - External Log Viewer. first.rul - Example file with rules. rulebase.cfg - Config file for Firewall. usr_mnl.doc - Documentation. readme.txt - Installation instruction. prochook.dll - internal file services - ==== // ===== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Setup of Personal FireWall. 1. Run program "FireWall Install/Uninstall" and install FireWall. 2. Run program "FireWall Config" and: a) set directory for log files (\elemntrix\firewall\log for example); b) click OK. 3. You must start Personal Firewall at the begining of your Windows session, so move the "Personal FireWall" icon from group named "Personal Firewall 2.0 beta" to the Program Manager "STARTUP" group. 4. Restart Windows to launch Personal Firewall automatically. 5. For free support mail to //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Working with Personal FireWall. 1. Run program "RuleBase Manager" to create new file for rules, or modify existing one. 2. Change Source IP to IP Address of PC with Client. 3. Change Source to source you need. 4. Set time and day. 5. Change Track to Log(ing), Alert or None. 6. Set this rule active (Double Click on the number of the rule). 7. Push the "Save file" button. 8. Push the "Apply rules" button to compile file with rules to config file for Personal FireWall. 9. In Main Window of Personal FireWall you can watch a real time log. 10. You can use "Log Viewer" to read, control and save old log files. THINGS YOU SHOULDN'T DO: ( temporary for this version vershion ) Close "Personal FireWall" with Alt-F4, before you close any service program. (FTP, Mail, Telnet ...) Please send us your feedback to